Friday, January 31, 2014

My littlest girl and my new bracelet

My youngest daughter has a fascination with my new bracelet I purchased from that I located on It has amethyst chips in several rows with moonstone accents and a tiny tiger's eye crystal. It also has a small butterfly, a turtle and a fertility goddess dangling. My daughter only wants to hold my hand that has the bracelet on it. Whenever we walk down the stairs, she makes sure that she's on my left side, just so she can hold my left hand. I'm wearing it to help conceive my third child. The old me wouldn't really buy into thinking that this sort of thing would actually do anything, but now.... why not? We'll see in a couple weeks.... If anything, it serves as a reminder to relax and be calm, appreciate what I already have.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

What a day!

In the early morning of Martin Luther King Jr. Day (3am ish) my soon to be 3 year old daughter came into our room to tell me she had to go potty. So I groggily got out of bed and started to walk with her down the stairs. I happen to pick her up as I got to the bottom of the stairs since the floor was going to be very cold on her bare feet...When I heard the dishwasher running and the sound of running water. The first thought that came to my mind was, "Is the sink running?!" So I immediately walked into the kitchen and turned on the light. (My daughter still in my arms, still needing to go potty) That's when I saw the dishwasher leaking a torrent of water onto the kitchen floor. I quickly walked over to it and hit the cancel button... Nothing. OMG! So I immediately turned back 'round and went upstairs, back into our bedroom, turned on the overhead light and loudly called to my husband to GET UP! THE DISHWASHER IS FLOODING THE KITCHEN! And then I turned right back 'round to get my daughter on the potty before she had her own accident.

After she was done with her business, I brought her back to bed. She wanted to know what was going on, but I explained that Daddy had to fix the dishwasher and that she needed to go back to sleep. Thankfully, she did just that. I headed back downstairs and started to help my husband deal with the mess. The dishwasher completely broke. Some very large pieces of plastic which seemed to house water where under the washer after he pulled it out from under the counter.

And then I noticed that although the water was getting cleaned up by my husband with the shop-vac, the was a rogue stream which started to collect in my dog's bedding on the other side of the kitchen! So then I had to get him out of his crate and put all his bedding in the clothes washer.

We finally cleaned up all the water and headed back to bed an hour later. My husband did not have the day off. He got back to sleep for a little bit, but then had to head into the office. I got to sleep a bit more.

So instead of having a full day to myself (the nanny was still coming to care for my daughters) I had to go on a hunt for a new dishwasher. I found a local shop in NH and went there after breakfast. I wanted to have a local shop provide me with one on one attention without the pressure of the big store sales push. Anyhow, after getting a lot of good info and an idea of what we should get, the guy at the local shop said that they didn't deliver to MA.... So off to Lowes I went.

I ended up spending a good deal of time at Lowes and went back and forth over the phone with my husband over which model to get. So, after coming to a final decision, I went to the salesperson and told him which one. As he was beginning to ring it up, I suddenly thought; "I wonder if they do competitor checks?" And when I asked, he said "Yes." And Home Depot had it for $100 less! So I was able to get the lower pricing and the higher end model I wanted! I was very happy about that.

On my way home I decided to stop into a local all natural food market so that I could get my girls their usual multivitamin. I walked into the store, through their entry which has a lot of yoga themed items and aroma therapy candles etc... When I got the vitamins, I walked to the counter and suddenly decided that I would look at the items in the other room. I rested the vitamins on the counter. In the entry there were a lot of Himalayan Salt Lamps and I noticed a salt slab. I'd been looking on Amazon for these lamps and slabs. The slab I thought would be great for keeping my celestite crystal geode cleansed. Then I walked back into the store and decided against buying the salt slab. But then I turned and noticed a display cabinet with crystals. I asked if it was unlocked. And it was. I opened it up and saw a large amethyst geode. I'd been searching online for an amethyst geode for some time, but the price and uncertainty kept me from buying. The price tag was supposed to be on the bottom, but it was missing. The store clerk took the geode out of the case and went to find the store owner to get the price. When she returned....She said it was $35. OMG! That was it. I changed my mind about the salt slab and bought not only the slab, but the amethyst geode! 

When I finally got home that afternoon, I took out the geode and the slab and arranged the celestite and amethysts on the slab. Then suddenly realized that my girls were wearing the exact colors of the geodes. My older daughter was wearing the gentle light blue of the celestite and my youngest was wearing the purple in the amethyst! It just blew me away!

Had my youngest daughter not woken up to go to the potty, the water damage would have been horrible, but because she got me when she did, it was barely anything. And I was talking to my husband about how much I wanted a new dishwasher all the time... But then to also come across this very amethyst geode and salt slab all in one day?! I can't make this up! And to have my girls wearing those very same colors that day?!

Here's the picture of the celestite and amethyst geodes on the salt slab.

Celestite (Celestine)- Divine Expression, Angelic Communication, Clarity
Primary Chakras: Throat, Third Eye, Crown, Higher Crown
Astrological signs: Gemini, Libra

Amethyst- Protection, Purification, Spirituality
Primary Chakras: Third Eye, Crown
Astrological signs: Pisces, Virgo, Aquarius, Capricorn

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Things like this...

So, today I had a random thought about a woman in our HR department. It just popped into my head as I was exiting the elevator when I first arrived this morning. I thought, "I wonder if Lauren is still with the company." I have no idea why I thought that, but I did. Then this afternoon, I see an email update from LinkedIn.... "Please congratulate Lauren on her new job.." Seriously.... what the heck!?

Thursday, January 9, 2014

My Aura seen by my daughter

So, I just looked up the meaning of the "aura" I think my daughter saw in me (blue/indigo).

This site seemed spot on about my personality.....

And looking at the "aura" for my husband;

Seems very much in line....

So, my little girl, in her little amazing way..... was able to see all this.... awesome. Simply amazing.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Breakfast this morning....

Every Sunday at my house, we have pancakes. It's become our Sunday morning tradition. When the girls wake up on Sunday, they usually start singing, "It's pancake day!" So this morning, as we were enjoying our lovely pancake breakfast, my oldest daughter, (4.5 years old) says, "Mommy, Daddy, I'm imaging you have flowers on your heads and Mommy, yours is blue and indigo violet. Daddy, yours is orange and yellow." So I asked her what her flowers were and she said, "Indigo violet." I asked what her little sister (turning 3 on the 26th) and she said, "She's a rainbow." This conversation immediately struck me as interesting. I thought to myself, I wonder if these flowers she said she's imagined are our auras? And if so, what would that mean? Food for thought.