So, at around 2:30am (May 29th) I woke up and then got up to go to the bathroom. When I stepped outside my bedroom, my daughter met me in the hall. She was upset because she said she had a bad dream. We went downstairs to the bathroom together. Afterwards, I walked her back to her room, tucked her in and she went right to sleep.
When I got to bed, I started to drift off, but then I felt like I was hearing something and I was expecting either my daughter to get back up or her little sister to come in so that I could take her to the potty. But then the next thing I feel is that we lost power and the night lights are out. So I wake up a little more. I was going to wake my husband up to call Unitil.
Next thing I see is a middle aged African American woman kneeling at the end of my bed. I freaked out. She then took my left hand. It came to me that her name was Maria. hen another woman appeared. She was wearing a blue outfit, like something a woman from India would wear, like a long shirt and flowing pants. She had black hair and light skin and a happy calm face. I wasn't afraid of her. She stood in front of Maria and then Maria laid on the ground and faded away. I don't know who this woman in blue was. But now that I'm thinking about it, I think she was a guardian and she pushed Maria back in an effort to comfort me. I don't think that Maria was trying to hurt me, but I think something bad happened to her and that she wanted me to know and my fear and freak out was just her energy transferring to me.
I woke my husband up and we talked about what happened... He was very supportive. Later that morning, he woke up from his own dream and said it was really weird. My first comment was; "were you flying?" and he says, "A plane crashed into the house...."
And on my way to work, I was thinking about my co-worker who's wife channels with spirits and sure enough, he was in his car right behind me when we pulled in. I told him my dreams... He said that his wife really wants to talk to me....
I'm still shaking a bit... wow.
Then June 2nd I was relaxing and searching the web on my phone... It came to me that I should know who the woman in blue's name is. And then I wondered how I would know. So, very quickly I found some information that talked about how you can find out. It was very simple instructions. Relax and start meditating and count to 20 for each inhalation. And by the time you get to 20, you should have a name in your mind or even hear the name.
Well, I think I got to maybe 7 or 8 when the name Karen came to me...but I kept counting because I thought that maybe it wasn't just Karen... and so then when I got to 20, I was 100% sure that the spelling was Karin.
So, then I wanted to look that up, because I can tell you, I have never seen it spelled that way and didn't even know a thing about it.
Meaning | pure |
When I saw what the name means, I felt such a burst of energy I cried a little.