I feel so invigorated with love and peace and optimism!
I received my Reiki Master and Reiki Master Teacher certificates this weekend from Libby Barnett. And in the process met some remarkable people. Julie Hahn from Brigham and Women's Hospital attended with her daughter Brady Hahn (her own site). Her document from about volunteering at the hospital (click link here.) Julie will be writing a book about Reiki and the benefits seen through her work at the hospital. A recent article regarding Hospital Reiki Training Program (click here.)
I'm still buzzing from the energy and mindfulness of the two classes. I also discovered why I haven't painted my Reiki practice studio.... I can't say, but now I know and it's really wonderful. It will be completed very soon and as it should be.
And my biggest take-a-way from this experience, LOVE. Lead with Love. Be in the moment and be Love. And put into practice the 5 Reiki precepts.
At least for today:
- Do not be angry,
- Do not worry,
- Be grateful,
- Work with diligence,
- Be kind to people.
And from the Brigham;