Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Client Confirmation

Yesterday was  a big day for my Reiki practice. I drove into Boston for a special client. He is an intellectual, scholar, writer, business man with endless connections in the 1% world. He and I have been "Walk for Hunger" walking partners for twenty-plus years. This year when we walked, I told him about my plans to open a Reiki practice from my home. He was immediately interested in my thoughts about Reiki and wanted me to be the first person to perform Reiki on him. Yesterday was the day I provided him with a one hour session.

I was so thrilled on a personal note as to how the session went. There was ease and focus and a mutual relaxation that occurred, such that the hour went by so quickly, I could hardly believe it. When the session was over, my clients face lit up. He proclaimed that although he was skeptical before the session, he was convinced afterwards! Convinced that Reiki offered him something he was never able to get on his own, a deep relaxation and meditation. He said that he'd tried meditation several times over the years, but it was never pleasant for him. He couldn't keep the busy noise of this life out of his mind long enough. But with our session, he said that his mind was perfectly still and calm. He was able to just focus on the music and the hand positions as I moved along through the different locations.

My own experience during the session was one of love and giving. Many times I felt the urge to just smile and breathe. I felt the Universal Life Force Energy really moving through my body, down my arms and out my hands. I felt a tremendous sense of gratitude for the opportunity to offer this wonderful energy.

I look forward to repeating this feeling!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

This is how important human touch can be...

Listening to this story, at around 2 minutes, I immediately thought about Reiki and why it's important. These premature twins through human touch survived, thrived and are now young adults.

Just as important to infants, touch is life saving to everyone!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Progress is progress

With all the Summer activities, I've been slacking with the Reiki Studio renovation, but yesterday I was able to get the priming finished!