I just had lunch with a co-worker that I usually would not have lunch with, but since our office cafe is closed for the the week, we both needed to go out to eat. And we just so happened to go to a vegan place called Clover. http://www.cloverfoodlab.com/ We chatted for a bit over the stresses in the office lately and then I felt compelled to mention Reiki and that maybe I should offer Reiki to my fellow co-workers. As we talked about that, he mentioned diet. He has this sister-in-law that was just interviewed because of her work. Great interview, which was conducted on my birthday!
As soon as I started to listen, she mentioned vibrations. Bam! The connections are getting simply amazing.
Okay, as a side note. Another co-worker just walked over to my desk. I just did a five minute Reiki session on his shoulders. This is so cool. I got the courage to mention to one co-worker that I can practice Reiki and then shazam, I have my first Reiki recipient/volunteer. (And it wasn't the same co-worker. And they didn't talk to one another before he came over to my desk.)
I am so excited.
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