Yesterday I attended the Reiki II certification class by Libby Barnett and came away with three moments I want to share.
Libby has a lovely living room in which she has arranged a large sectional sofa and comfortable chairs in a rectangle so that all the students can face one another as she teaches the class. Julianne (another student) was sitting on the sofa on the opposite side of the room from me. Libby selected Julianne's son to practice "absent Reiki" on. As we were going through the steps and sending Reiki to her son Matthew, I kept seeing him as Julie Andrews in The Sound of Music singing "The Hills are Alive" He wasn't actually Julie Andrews, but he was in the same mountainous field and was turning in circles and singing and completely elated as in the movie. This thought made me laugh and when it came time to share some of our thoughts, I decided to not share. (more to come on this)
During my attunement, I invited my grandfather on my father's side to come. I wasn't sure why I did that other than the day before I had been talking to my oldest brother and for some reason I asked him to tell me our grandfather's name. My grandfather died when my father was just twelve years old, so obviously I never met him and our family never really discussed him. He had died of cancer and it was very painful for him and my father's family at the time. I felt I knew his name, but having my bother confirm it made me feel better. My grandfather's name was Patrick Henry Boyle.
So as I'm thinking about my grandfather and relaxing in the moment of the attunement, I asked my grandfather why he had died. His answer came immediately. "In order to make you strong." This shocked me.
After attunement we were sharing our personal experiences during the ceremony. When I talked about what happened during mine, I teared up. I didn't expect that, but I had tears and got chocked up as I spoke. Libby was so touched as well. I could see in her expression and words that she was moved by what had happened.
The last activity of the afternoon was to practice hands on Reiki with one another. Only this time, each person had an intention that they wanted folks to state during each person's session. Nancy was a woman in my little group that requested we help her find her perfect career in the medical field. As she lay on the table, I began by holding her right hand in mine. The image of her sitting with an elderly woman wearing a house dress popped into my head. They were laughing and Nancy was so happy. This image kept repeating it's self the whole time Nancy was on the table. When we were done with Nancy's session, I told her what I saw.
It took a few moments for Nancy to get back up and then we began to work on April, she was the last student in our group for the practice session. After April was finished and we shared our thoughts and images with April, Nancy came over to me. She said, "I just want you to know that about two weeks ago, I was visiting an elderly woman and she was wearing a house dress and she was making me laugh with her stories." Her and Nancy are both French-Canadian and they connected over that. This woman made Nancy happy. I had my Reiki workbook in my hands and I just put it over my face. OMG! OMG! I didn't know how to react to that. I laughed and Nancy laughed.
So then I was compelled to tell Julianne what I saw during the absent Reiki. When I told her what I saw she said, "Monica, The Sound of Music is my son's most favorite movie of all times. And that she and her husband stayed at the Von Trapp Lodge after their wedding. Another OMG! OMG!
So, three events happened;
1. My grandfather came to me.
2. I read someone remotely.
3. And I read someone I touched.
Not sure how to process this.
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