Tuesday, May 26, 2015

It's been a long time.

When things are new and bright and simply amazing, there's a lot to say. Now that my experiences have sunk in emotionally and spiritually, there seems a bit less to go on about. It's part of my every day life now. And I am excited to say, that the Reiki practice room is FINALLY ready to receive people seeking healing services!

Some thoughts about life since I've started this journey;

Love and forgiveness are two of the most important things in the Universe.

Kindness is always a better choice.

Never give up on a dream. No matter what you feel or what others may say or think.

We all will die, so decide how you want to live each day. Anger and bitterness will not stop that.

I have a mantra I say every night and when I feel I need it;

"I forgive myself.

I forgive others who may have hurt me in the past.

I live in the Now, the Present.

Thank you Lord and Universe for all that is my life.

I am truly grateful."


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